Friday, October 31, 2014

Star Students for week of October 27th

Congratulations to these students for having an outstanding week, working hard and spreads kindness!!!

Homework for October 31st

Reading:  read 30 minutes. Start thinking of a non-fiction topic you'd like to study for next months WEB

Math:  bring your Halloween Candy on Monday!!!
            Math workshop assignment
            Xtramath math

**Box tops
** 5th graders --- your DARE essay is due Monday. Final draft, in pen, on loose leaf. You cannot type it

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Homework for October 30th

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - Practice WEB presentations

Language Arts:  Spelling test tomorrow - please study

Math:  Workshop assignment
             Xtra math

**Box Tops
**5th graders - DARE essay due Monday

Monday, October 27, 2014

Homework for October 27th

Reading:  Read 30 minutes
                Practice your WEB presentation
                Be thinking about a non-fiction topic for your next WEB.

Language Arts:  Spelling due Thursday

Math:  Workshop assignment
            Xtra math

**5th graders DARE essay is due Monday!
**Box Tops
**Tomorrow is a half day 11:00 dismissal

Friday, October 24, 2014

Homework for October 24th

Reading:  WEB projects are due on Monday.  Be sure to practice and have your materials here.

Language Arts:  None

Math:  Workshop assignment
             Xtra math

**Box Tops
**PTO 5-10-15 Challenge
**Report card envelope signed and returned
**5th graders:  DARE essay and graduation song practice.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

RAFT WEB Project

Good afternoon Parents and Students,

     As you are putting together the final pieces of this month's WEB project, I wanted to remind you of the rubrics that will be used for grading.  All students do need to turn in a written RAFT assignment.  Please view the October RAFT packet that was sent home prior to conferences for the details of that assignment.  This can be typed or handwritten, but should be in ink and final draft form.  

On the last page of the WEB packet is the grading rubric for the written assignment.  Please refer to that when making final revisions and checking for quality and completeness.  

Each child then need to decide HOW he/she wants to present the RAFT to the class.  It is possible to simply stand in the front of the room and read the assignment, however we are encouraging them to choose a creative medium to present the assignment.  We discussed in class using a Powerpoint or Google slide presentation, a prezi, a video to bring in and have us watch, an audio file for us to listen to, or even creating an ebook or other app based tool to present the assignment.  They aren't creating anything new here, but finding a fun and creative way to present the written RAFT.

There is a link below to the rubric that will be used for the presentation format of the WEB project.  

Rubric for my RAFT presentation

Good luck!  
Mrs. Wagner  :)


Homework for October 23rd

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - WEB project is due Monday.  Practice your presentation.

Language Arts:  Grammar due tomorrow

Math: workshop assignment
           xtra math

**Box tops
**5-10-15 challenge
**5th graders DARE essay is due November 3rd
**5th graders practice graduation songs

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Homework for October 22nd

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - Finish and practice WEB project, due Monday!

Language Arts:  Grammar is due Friday

Math:  Workshop Assignment
             Xtra Math

**Box Tops
** 5-10-15 PTO Challenge
** 5th graders - DARE Essay and Graduation Song practice

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Homework for October 21st

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - WEB projects due on Monday

Language Arts:  Grammar packets due on Friday

Math:  Math workshop assignment
            xtra math

**Box tops
**5 -10-15 PTO Challenge

Monday, October 20, 2014

Homework for October 20th

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - WEB project due on Monday!!!!

Language Arts:  Grammar packet is due on Friday

Math:  Workshop assignment
             xtra math

**Box Tops
**5 -10-15 Challenge for PTO fundraiser
5th graders - Field Trip tomorrow - 12:00-1:45
5th graders - practice DARE songs

Friday, October 17, 2014

Star students

Here is a picture of this weeks star students. Keep up the great work boys and girls!!!

Not seen very well:  Aaron. :))))

Homework for October 17th

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - Work on WEB RAFT project, due Oct 27th

Language Arts: None

Math:  Workshop Assignment
             xtra math

**5-10-15 PTO Fundraiser look for pledges!
**Box Tops

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Homework for October 16th

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - WEB RAFT project is due October 27th

Language Arts:  Spelling packets and spelling test tomorrow

Math:  Teuber's students have their assignment due tomorrow

**Box Tops
**Geology on the Ridge Exit slip (if not done)

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Homework for October 15th

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - WEB project is due October 27th.

Language Arts:  Spelling packet due Friday

Math:  Teuber's class has math due on Friday
            Rest of class none
            xtra math

**Sack Lunch tomorrow!!!!
**Dress for weather
**Bring a backpack with your things inside
**$2.00 for those who haven't paid.
**Box Tops

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Homework for October 14th

Reading:  Read 30 minutes (Fun read....WEB book should be finished)  Work on RAFT project.

Language Arts:  Spelling due FRIDAY (due to short week)

Math:  Workshop assignment
             Xtra math

Social St: Schoology Exit slip if not finished

**Field Trip money - by tomorrow!
**Box Tops

October WEB Project Information

After speaking with parents at conferences, it became aware that not all of you have seen the October WEB Project information that came home with your son/daughter early last week.  I've attached the documents to this post.  Feel free to view and print these for your reference as you help your child prepare for this project.

As always feel free to email or respond to this post if you have questions.
Enjoy your week,
Mrs. Wagner.

October WEB Project Information

RAFT Worksheet (Optional don't have to use)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Homework for October 8th

Reading:  REad 30 minutes each night.  Be sure your WEB book is finished by Tuesday

Math:  Xtra math each day over fall break

**Box Tops
**Field Trip Money $2.00 by Tuesday!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Homework for October 7th

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - WEB book should be done by Tuesday!!!!

Language Arts:  None - if camping essay is turned in!!!!

Math:  Workshop assignment
            Xtra math

Social Studies:  none

**Field trip note and $2.00
**Box Tops
**1/2 day tomorrow - 11:00 Dismissal
**No School, Thursday, Friday or Monday

Monday, October 6, 2014

Homework for October 6th

Reading:  Read 30 mins - WEB and Book diary should be finished by Tuesday, Oct 14th

Language Arts:  None

Math:  Workshop assignment and Xtra math

Social St:  Finish your Map of the Midwest

Science:  Upload assignments to schoology

**Field Trip Note
**Book Project packet

Friday, October 3, 2014

Star students

Here is a picture of this weeks star students. Great job turning in your work and earning those positive Dojo points!!!!

Enjoy your weekend,
Mrs. Wagner
Not pictured:  Tyler, Eva, Ethan

Homework for October 3rd

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - WEB and Book Diary

Language Arts:  None

Math:  Workshop assignment
             xtra math

Science:  None

**Box Tops
**Sign into your Google Drive

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Homework for October 2nd

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - work on WEB and book diary

Language Arts:  Grammar packets are due tomorrow

Math:  Workshop assignment
            Xtra math

Science:  None

**Box Tops
**Battle of books consider joining
**Try logging into Google Drive from home
     "Add a user" and your password

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Homework for October 1st

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - WEB and Book Diary

Language Arts:  Grammar is due on Friday

Math:  Workshop assignment
            xtra math

Science:  None

**Try activating your Google Account from home.
**Share After school letter with your parents!!!!!