Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Homework for November 26th

Reading:  WEB projects are due December 8th.  Please work on these over the long weekend!
                  Read 30 mins each day

**Socks for Project Mistletoes
**No school Thursday or Friday

Happy Thanksgiving!  :)

Monday, November 24, 2014

Homework for November 24th

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - work on WEB project.  Due December 8th

Language Arts: No spelling/grammar this week

Math:  Workshop assignment
             xtra math

Social Studies:  None

**Box Tops
**Project Mistletoe's
**Wednesday 1:10 dismissal
**Wear Gym shoes tomorrow

Friday, November 21, 2014

Star Students for week of November 18th

Here is a picture of this weeks Star Students. Keep up the great work and keep spreading that positive leadership!!!

Homework for November 21st

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - Work on WEB projects

Language Arts:  none (there will be NO spelling next week)

Math:  Workshop assignments
             Xtra math

Social Studies:  Mid-west research project is due Monday!!!!  You may need to finish this over the weekend.

**Box tops
**Socks for Project Mistletoes

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Homework for November 20th

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - Work on WEB projects

Language Arts:  Grammar packets due Tomorrow

Math:  Workshop assignment
             Xtra math

Social Studies:  Research projects - last day to work in class is tomorrow

**Box tops
**Socks for project Mistletoes

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Homework for November 19th

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - work on WEB projects

Language Arts:  Grammar due Friday

Math:  Math workshop assignment
            xtra math

Social Studies:  Research projects due by end of class on Friday

**Box Tops
**Socks for Mistletoes

Monday, November 17, 2014

Homework for November 17th

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - work on WEB project.  (Share new information with your parents)

Language Arts:  Grammar packet due Friday

Math: Workshop assignment
            Xtra math

Social Studies:  Research project is due on Friday

**Box Tops
**Socks for Project Mistletoes
**Late Start on Wednesday

Friday, November 14, 2014

DARE Graduation

Here are a few pictures from today's DARE Graduation. Congratulations 5th graders!!!


Homework for November 14th

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - work on opinion/proof articles for WEB
                  ***Mrs. Wagner has a blog post about WEB projects!!!!

Language Arts:  None

Math:  Workshop assignment & Xtra math

**Box Tops
**Socks for Project Mistletoes

Thursday, November 13, 2014

December WEB projects

The next WEB project is due December 8th. The links below contain the  information on the next(and final) steps of the Opinion/Proof project.  This material will be discussed in class and sent home on Monday.

As always, feel free to call, email or respond to this post with questions---

Mrs. Wagner.

December WEB Project Information

Presentation Rubric

Opinion/Proof Paragraph Rubric

Don't forget to include a bibliography. :-))))

Homework for November 13th

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - work on WEB opinion/proof

Language Arts:  Spelling due tomorrow AND study for test

Math:  Workshop assignment
            Xtra math

**Box Tops
**Socks for Project Mistletoes
**5th grade DARE Graduation is at 11:00 tomorrow

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Homework for November 12th

Reading:  read 30 minutes -work on Opinion proof article

Language Arts:  Spelling is due Friday

Math:  workshop assignment
             Xtra math

**box tops
**socks for project Mistletoes
**you can still turn in 5-10-15 challenge for PTO

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Homework for November 11th

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - Read WEB articles and form or refine your opinions

Language Arts:  Spelling due Friday (due to short week)

Math:  None today
           xtra math

**Socks for Project Mistletoes
**Box Tops

Classroom News Report for week of November 9th

We kicked off a new Character Education "Key of Excellence". Speak with good purpose. Here are the details from our news team.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Star Students for week of November 3rd

Here is a picture of this weeks star students. These students received zero or only one negative Dojo this week and strived to demonstrate leadership in our classroom. 

Great work. 

Homework for November 7th

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - do your first read on your non-fiction article and form your opinion.

Language Arts:  None

Math:  Workshop assignment
            xtra math

**Box Tops
**Collect Socks for project Mistletoes
**No School Monday - Veteran's Day

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Homework for November 6th

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - WEB novel contracts due tomorrow

Language Arts:  Grammar packets due tomorrow

Math:  Workshop assignment
             xtra math

**Box Tops
**Socks for Project Mistletoes

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Homework for November 5th

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - New WEB contract due Monday

Language Arts:  Grammar due Friday

Math:  Workshop assignment
            Xtra math

**Box Tops
**Socks for Project Mistletoes

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - Novel Contract filled out by Friday

Language Arts:  Grammar due Friday

Math:  Workshop assignment
            Xtra math

**Box Tops
**Socks for Mistletoes
**Halloween Candy for Soldiers

Monday, November 3, 2014

Homework for November 3rd

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - decide on a non-fiction topic for your next WEB project.

Language Arts:  Grammar is due Friday

Math:  Xtra math

**Box Tops
**Collect Socks for Project Mistletoe
**Halloween Candy donations for Miltary