Today we had a presentation from the Woodstock Public Library. They came in to talk with the students about the opportunities available to them this summer! The program looks pretty exciting. There will be a kickoff party where the kids will learn to juggle and receive their reading logs. For every 3 hours of reading they can come into the library and choose a prize.
This program matches nicely with Mrs. Jensen's Summer Reading program here at Westwood. By simply reading 30 minutes a day, students can be part of both programs and recieve the incentives and recognition from both. (It will be a requirement to read over the summer anyway, why not make it fun and be rewarded for all that hard work?)
Check out the link below, it attaches to the flyer from the Library and has more information!
Students - list any great books you know would make wonderful summer reads for your classmates!!!
Woodstock Children's Summer Reading Program
Hi! This book is VERY long but is a "classic". Ihave read it in 2nd grade (it is an 8th grade reading level) and reccomend it to strong readers. It's titled "The Penderwicks". :)
Actually M4, this book is leveled for grades 4-6. It is completely appropriate for grade level readers. I've read it myself and agree its a good book!
When does the woodstock public library summer reading program start?
R11 -
If you click on the blue link under the paragraph that is titled "Woodstock Children's Summer reading program" you'll find all the information right there! :)
Some of my favorite books are the Percy Jackson series and the Harry Potter series. Also, for girls there is a series called "The Daring Book for Girls". :)
K19 did you know that there is a second Daring book for girls called the Double Daring book for girls I have it if you want to borrow it
I actually have the second book but thank you for asking!
I have a book that I like called Dear America The Diary of Piper Davis The Fences Between Us and there are other books like that one
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