Monday, January 9, 2012

Kindness & Justice Challenge

Since next Monday is Martin Luther King's birthday we had a discussion today about who he was and why he is an important figure in American History.  Several years ago, a program was developed by his daughter called the "KJ Challenge."  This is a program that highlights the importance of being a good person and seeking out opportunities to spread kindness and justice into the community.  There are mini lessons with the program that teach: kindness & justice, fairness, caring & compassion, and responsibility.

As part of this program, there is a challenge for each student to complete a random act of kindness or justice each day.  Today in class, we took the KJ pledge and discussed what acts of kindness or justice might look like.  Each student was challenged to try to make a difference in someone's life either at home, at school, or in the community by going above and beyond to make someone's life better or easier.  These acts can be simple tasks to help someone, or can be more complex in nature. 

When a student completes his/her act, they document it on a slip of paper and submit them in class.  Together we will share and celebrate these acts.  Students will keep track of how many acts of kindness they can complete, and that we can complete as a class. 

It is the goal for students to see that by going above and beyond to help others, they truly can make a difference, and that good choices lead to good consequences. 

Good luck spreading kindness this week!!!!  :))))


J1 said...

this actually fun putting stickers on are hands

H17 said...

i like the kj challenge because we get to put stickers on are hand and do nice things for others

J9 said...