Friday, August 17, 2012

What are you most excited about for your 5th grade year?

Please post what you're most looking forward to! :)  Be positive! We are all excited to see what you're thinking!!!  :)


EW29 said...

I cant wait for the camp out field trip when we get to smell the fresh air while learning. =)

R17 said...

I am really exited to learn new math equations and do new sience progects

ks22 said...

I cannot wait for the swimmimg and camping trips.ks22 :)!!!

tw26 said...

i cant wait for the camp out field trip

jc3 said...

Iam excited about band and chorus this year!!!

jf6 said...

seeing a bunch of friends and the camping trip.I am going to have a blast!:]=]=]:]:]=]=]:]:]

Lh10 said...

I am very excited about the fild trip to the challenger learning center!!!!!! :-)

Ns21 said...

This year I am looking forward to the camping trip and roasting a hot dog over a fire for my first time.

MH11 said...

I am super excited for camping !!!!! yeah go camping =)

CS21 said...

I am very excited because of band camping gym and having a lot of fun this year

K9 said...

I'm excited for the camping trip i heard 5th graders get to take.

PM14 said...

I'm excited to learn new things in Math.

s23 said...

I cant wait for the camping trip

DT24 said...

I am excited for the camping field trip too! I am also excited that that my little brother is at Westwood this year. I want to learn new stuff in math.

T25 said...

I am exited that we are going to go camping... No alarm clock!

T25 said...

I cant wait to go camping with no alarm clocks

SW27 said...

I am most excited about being the oldest in the school and to go on the camping trip and tent with all of my friends and also Having you mrs wagner as a teacher :) ;)

kp18 said...

I cant wait to go camping....very exited.