What is the purpose of Labor Day? Why did you have yesterday off school?
What was the highlight of your long weekend?
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My highlight was that I went on vacation to Wisconsin! We got to jump on a huge jumpy pillow. Even the parents jumped. Even after a few broken back (from the parents) we still had a great time. I think labor day is about remembering the people who do work for the community. We got that day of because its a holiday.
I worked a lot on labor day. Like I cleaned the kitchen did the dishes and I vacumed a whole lot it was hard. I also cleaned up after dinner last night my whole family did. My mom said the purpose of labor day is to work a lot. I defintely did the meaning of labor day!
labor day is when you celibrait how much your parents work.and thats why we did not go to school on monday.
It is a day were we celabrate working Men and Women.
For labor day weekend I really did not do a lot. I pretty much just stayed home and work on my room. That was my labor day weekend
The highlight of my weekend was playing with a TON of my friends each day. I think that Labor Day is about recognizing people who worked for america.
You selebrate your dad's and mom's work.Because it is and holiday.My best thing was sleeping in.
I went to my grandmas house and she had a barba Q and we all had a great time
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