Wednesday, May 23, 2012

To My Students.....

To my wonderful fifth graders!  You've all left and I'm sitting at my desk cleaning up and reflecting on our time together!  I want you to know how proud I am of each and every one of you!    As you move on to middle school, remember the foundation you have.  Strive to use it to reach your full potential.  Always reach for those stars and never be afraid to shine!  :) 

I hope you have a wonderful summer full of fun and adventures!
The blog will be open all summer for you to post your adventures and let everyone know how you're doing!  I'll check it at least once a week and publish your posts!
Please keep in touch!  :)
All my love,
Mrs. Wagner

Monday, May 21, 2012

Homework for May 21st

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - complete day 9 of
                 Literature circles

Language Arts:  None

Math:  Xtra math

Social St:  None

**Please bring a bag and a rag.  You will be cleaning out
    your desks!
**Only PBJ for lunch tomorrow

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Homework for May 17th

Reading:  Read and complete Lit Circle Day 7

Language Arts:  Lit Circle Spelling is due tomorrow, study for your test!

Math: Xtra math

Keep your Thursday folder!  :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Homework for May 14th

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - complete day 4 of your literature circle

Language Arts:  Lit circle spelling packet is due on Friday

Math:  Xtra math

**Wordle word for each classmate due Wednesday
**Band and Chorus Concert is tomorrow night - be here by 5:40pm
**No afterschool band tomorrow

Friday, May 11, 2012

Extreme Wheels

We had a wonderful day today on our end of  the year trip to Extreme Wheels in Crystal Lake.  It was wonderful to watch the students enjoy each other's company and listen to their laughter.  :)
Here are a few photos I managed to snap of students skating by and a few I got to stand still for a picture!

Enjoy your weekend,
Mrs. Wagner  :)

Homework for May 11th

Reading:  Read WEB book 30 minutes per night

Language Arts:  Spelling due next Friday

Math:  Xtra math

Check out our pictures from Extreme Wheels!  :)  It was a fun day!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Homework for May 10th

Reading:  Complete day 3 literature circles

Language Arts:  Spelling due May 18th

Math:  Xtra math

No lunch needed -
No money may be brought-
Dress for skating, be sure you have socks!
Bring your bike helmet!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Homework for May 8th

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - finish Day 2 of Lit circles

Language Arts:  Literature circle spelling packet - due
                           May 18th (do one assignment)

Math:  Xtra math

Social St:  Fix and return test if needed

**Late Start Tomorrow
**Slip, Slop, Slap for field day and bring the sheet signed
**Wear Field day shirt, or orange!!!!
**Bring back water bottle, clean and filled
**Bring extra shoes and socks in case you get muddy
**Registration packet

Monday, May 7, 2012

Homework for May 7th

Reading:  Complete DAY 1 of Lit. Circle

Language Arts:  Choose your 15 spelling words
                           and your 5 tasks

Math:  Xtra math

**Field Day is cancelled, it will be Wednesday
**Bring your band instrument
**Choral Fest is tonight - be there at 6:45

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Homework for May 3

Reading:  Read 30 minutes WEB book

Language Arts:  Study for spelling test

Math:  8-8 Practice B and Xtra math

Social St:  None - we took our test

**Registration packets
**Wide World of Wonder is tomorrow - be sure to dress for the weather and for your sessions!  :)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Homework for May 2

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - WEB book

Language Arts:  Spelling Packet due tomorrow

Math:  8-7 Practice B (blue 6-1)

Social St:  Study for our Southern Colonies Test

**Box Tops**
**Registration Packets

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Erase the Waste Aluminum Can Drive

As you know, Westwood has been busy collecting aluminum cans for the past couple of weeks.  This collection is in response to the "Erase the Waste" can drive sponsored by the Behr Iron and Metal Company.  This company is located in Woodstock on Washington Street.  Yesterday you received a "Connect Ed." call from Mr. Ross stating we were so close to winning that we all needed to pool our resources and get as many cans as possible to the Behr Corporation before 4:00pm.

Well guess what?  We received a call today from Behr notifying us that we were 10 pounds short of taking first place.  However, they were impressed yesterday with the community outreach and the number of students and families that came in to drop off aluminum cans.  The person that called said they actually had fun watching all the Westwood families drive in to support the event and to drop off cans.  They were so impressed in fact, they decided to award a second $1,000 prize to our school!  First place went to an elementary school in Harvard, and Westwood will also be receiving a check for $1,000!!!!

I think this is a wonderful generous thing that Behr has done!  :)  It truly goes to show that when we pull together as a team, people notice!  :)  Thank you to everyone that brought in cans, and drove to Behr yesterday to help to make a difference!  The check will be awarded to our school on Friday afternoon at the post Wide World of Wonder assembly.

Amazing!!!  Thank you parents, families and Behr!  :)

Tuesday May 1st

Reading:  Read 30 minutes on WEB book.  Lit circle
                packets will be collected tomorrow.

Language Arts:  Spelling due Thursday

Math:  8-6 Practice B (5-7 blue) & Xtra math

Social Studies:  Begin studying for Southern Colony Test
                          Test is Thursday

**Box Top Collection is this week
**Registration packets