Friday, December 19, 2014

Homework for Christmas Break

Reading:  be sure to read at least 30 minutes each day. 

Please come with your WEB book finished and be prepared to discuss it with the class. 

Merry Christmas. Spend this time with your family, share laughter and make memories to last a lifetime. 
I will miss you!

See you January 5, 2015
Mrs. Wagner. :-)))))

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Homework for December 18th

Reading:  read 30 minute -WEB books

Language arts: none

Math:  xtra math

**box tops
** full day of school tomorrow
** Christmas Clearing house tonight 6-8pm. Dress Warm!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Homework for December 17th

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - WEB book

Language Arts:  Spelling packet due tomorrow
                           Spelling test is tomorrow

Math:  Workshop assignment
            Xtra math

**Box Tops
**Christmas Clearing House is tonight and tomorrow night from 6-8pm. Come if you can
**Ugly Sweater for Thursday
**Bring games from home for Thursday

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Orchestra concert

Here are a few photos from last night's orchestra concert. The students did a wonderful job!  

The first photos are the beginners and the intermediate groups pictures follow!
Again, great job everyone and thank you Mrs. Blaho for doing such a wonderful job with the students!!!

Homework for December 16th

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - work on WEB book

Language Arts:  Spelling packet and spelling test are both due Thursday

Math:  Workshop assignment
           Xtra math

**Orchestra Concert is tonight, be here at 5:40pm
**Box Tops
**Christmas Clearing House is Tomorrow and Thursday from 6-8pm
**Items for our holiday party - see post below

Our Classroom Christmas Party

Dear parents and students,

     Our classroom party will be this Thursday from 12:30-1:45.  Students had the opportunity via the blog, to vote on the activities they wanted to have available for their party.  The top three choices were selected:

1. An ugly sweater competition
2. Chromebook games
3.  Board games brought from home.

Please bring in the following materials for our party on Thursday:

1.  An obnoxious holiday sweater if you wish to participate in the contest.  (Prizes will be awarded to the top 2)
2.  A board game or favorite card game to share.

Thanks for your support and Merry Christmas,

Mrs. Wagner :)

Monday, December 15, 2014

Homework for December 15th

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - have WEB book here tomorrow for a WEB check

Language Arts:  Spelling due Thursday.  Test will also be Thursday this week

Math:  Workshop assignment
            Xtra math

**Box Tops
**Christmas Clearing House is this week Wednesday and Thursday from 6-8
**Orchestra Concert is tomorrow night.  Be here by 5:40

Simplifying Fractions

Click the link below for practice on Simplifying Fractions.
Remember the three rules we discussed in class to determine if your fraction is in Simplest Form.


Friday, December 12, 2014

Homework for December 12th

Reading:  read 30 minutes.

Language Arts:  none

Math:  workshop assignment
            Xtramath math

**box tops
**Christmas Clearing House next Wednesday and Thursday.
**Girls on the Run sign up if interested.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Holiday Party Survey

Please take the survey below to determine our holiday party activities.  Our classroom holiday party will be next Thursday, from 12:50-1:50pm.  We are not going to bring in food items.  However, if a craft station is chosen students may bring in materials for the station to share.

Please take the survey below.

Homework for December 11th

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - WEB contract due tomorrow

Language Arts:  Grammar due tomorrow

Math:  Workshop assignment
            Xtra math

**Box Tops
**Food for Food Train
**Socks for Mistletoes
**Christmas Clearing House December 17th and 18th

Improper fraction and Mixed Numbers


For your independent practice time in math today and tomorrow, please explore these sites on converting improper fractions and mixed numbers.

When you're finished you should also work on Front Row Ed.

:)  Mrs. Wagner

CLICK HERE - then click on the section titled "Improper Fractions"

CLICK HERE - Pac Man style game converting "Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers"

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Homework for December 10th

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - Practice WEB presentation.  New WEB contract is due on Friday

Language Arts:  Grammar packets due Friday

Math: Workshop assignment
          xtra math

**Box tops
**Food for food train
**Socks for mistletoes
**Christmas Clearing House next Wednesday and Thursday.
**After school chess club starts tomorrow

Our Holiday Party is Coming Soon!

As winter break draws near it is time to celebrate the season with our school family that we have created this year.  I am looking to you, the students of our classroom, to share what you would like your party to look like this year.
For many of you, this may be your last elementary school holiday party, and we want to make sure it is special.  We will have 1 hour for our party, broken down into three 20 minute stations.  Please think about one activity that you would like to do during our party.  It can be a game, a craft, or an activity.  Think about the materials that we have available to us in our room.
Please post your activity as a comment to our blog.  We will then vote for our top 3 favorite activities for our party.
Remember to keep your ideas realistic.  I will only approve blog posts that seem appropriate for our party.
Remember to use your initals and classroom number for your blog code.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Homework for December 9th

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - Practice WEB if you haven't presented yet.
                 New Novel Contracts are due Friday

Language Arts:  Grammar is due on Friday

Math:  Workshop assignment
             Xtra math

**Box tops
**Food for food train - due by Friday
**Socks for project Mistletoes - due by Friday
**Christmas Clearing House - December 17th and 18th

Monday, December 8, 2014

Homework for December 8th

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - Practice WEB presentation.
                 NEW WEB contract due Friday!!!!

Language Arts:  Grammar due Friday

Math:  Workshop assignment
             Xtra math

**Box tops
**Food for food train
**Socks for Mistletoes
**Chess Club due tomorrow
**Christmas Clearing House

Placing fractions on a line


When you are finished with your Google Drawing placing the fractions:
1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and a fraction of your choice on a number line please submit your assignment into the Google form listed below.

You will need to copy and paste the URL of your document into the form listed below.

I hope you enjoyed this assignment!

When you're finished you may click here for additional practice.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Star students for week of December 1st

Here is a picture of this weeks star students. These students had zero, or only one negative Dojo this week and strived to make our classroom a productive environment. Keep up the great work. 

Not pictured:  Dayton, Zach and Tyler

Homework for December 5th

Reading:  WEB projects are due Monday!!!!  Practice your presentations!!!!

Language Arts: None

Math:  Workshop Assignment
             Xtra math

**PTO Holiday Dance and Craft night is tonight - 5:30-7:00pm
**Socks for project Mistletoes
**Food for food train
**Christmas Clearing house notes to parents
**Box Tops
**Chess Club sign up if you're joining

Thursday, December 4, 2014

5th grade Band and Chorus Concert

Here are a few pictures from tonight's festivities. The students did an amazing job. 

Homework for December 4th

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - WEB projects are due on Monday!!!

Language Arts:  Study for Spelling Test

Math:  Workshop assignment
             xtra math

**Box Tops
**Food for food train
**Band and Chorus Concert tonight at 6:00
**Christmas Clearing house
**Socks for project mistletoes

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Homework for December 3rd

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - WEB projects are due on Monday!!!

Language Arts:  Spelling due Tomorrow!!!

Math:  Workshop assignment
             xtra math

**Box Tops
**Socks for project Mistletoes
**Food for Food Train
**5th Grade Band Chorus Concert is tomorrow @ 6:00
** Christmas Clearing House Letter

Comparing Fractions

Please click on this site to practice comparing fractions!


Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Homework for December 2nd

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - WEB projects are due Monday!!!!

Language Arts: Spelling due Thursday

Math:  Workshop Assignment
             Xtra math

**Late Start Tomorrow!!!!
**Food for the Food Train
**Socks for Project Mistletoes
**5th Grade - Band/Chorus Concert Thursday @ 6:00pm
**Chess Club is starting in December - think about joining!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Homework for December 1st

Reading:  Read for 30 minutes - work on WEB projects.  All WEB projects are due on Monday, Dec. 8th

Language Arts:  Spelling due Thursday

Math:  Workshop assignment
             xtra math

**Late Start on Wednesday
**Socks for project mistletoes
**Food for the Food Train
**5th grade band/chorus concert 6:00pm on Thursday

Equivalent Fraction Practice

4th grade math students:

Check out this website for additional practice on Equivalent Fractions!


You will use this site in math today and tomorrow!