Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Homework for November 30

Reading:  Read your WEB book - finish book by FRIDAY!!!!  Projects due December 12th

Language Arts:  Grammar due Friday

Math:  Xtra math & 4-2 Practice B (Show Factor Trees on the back)

**Check Blog**
**PTO Family Dance is 5:30 on Friday
**Food for Food Train**

Where in the World is the Westwood Wildcat - November 30

Clue #3-

  The Wildcat is hiding at the world's largest man made monument.

Post your guesses below

Good luck!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Homework for November 29th

Reading:  Read 20 minutes!  Book should be finished by Friday!!! Projects due December 12th

Language Arts:  Grammar due Friday

Math:  Xtra math and 4-1 problem solving

**Check the blog
**Food for food train
**PTO Family Dance Friday @ 5:30

Proofreading Parents

Dear Parents,

   In the classroom we are busy working on our Young Author stories.  Students have completed their rough drafts and are in the revising/editing process.  We are looking for some parent helpers to assist with proofreading and giving students some feedback about their stories.  If you are interested in helping, please post to the blog choosing one of the available time slots below.  It is our hope that with some additional adults to conference with students we can keep our writing process moving forward. 

Times available:
Tuesday, December 6th: 7:50-8:20 (2-3 parents needed)
Tuesday, December 6th:  8:20-8:50 (2-3 parents needed)
Tuesday, December 6th:  9:50-10:20 (1-2 parents needed)

Wednesday, December 7th:  9:50-10:20 (2-3 parents needed)

Please post to the blog with the time slot you'd like to come in.  Once a slot is filled please choose another if possible.  Thank you!  :))
When posting please post as "Mom of L2"  This way we know who you are and can also respect our privacy code.

Thanks so much!
Mrs. Wagner  :))

Where in the World is the Westwood Wildcat - November 29th

Clue #2

The wildcat is hiding in the general area of 35 degrees latitude and 90 degrees longitude.

Post your guesses below!

Good luck!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Homework for November 28th

Reading:  Read 20 minutes, book diaries. Project due Dec 12th (Finish book by Friday)

Language Arts:  Grammar Due Friday

Math:  4-1 use your notes!  Xtra math!

Social Studies:  Worksheet page 26, bring your book

**PTO family Dance is Friday @ 5:30
Bring recipe!
Food for food train!  :)

Where in the World is the Westwood Wildcat - November 28

This week the wildcat has been hidden by three of your classmates.  J1, J9 and K18 were the first three students to locate the Wildcat hiding at Plymouth Rock.  So, they get to hide him this week and write the clues for you!  If you are one of the first three students to locate him you can hide him next week.

Clue #1

The Wildcat is located in the Northwest Hemisphere.

Post your guesses below

Christmas Clearing House

Dear Parents,
We would like to invite your child to help us with the Christmas Clearing House packing on Thursday, December 15th from 6:00 to 8:00pm.  We will be there with our families and thought that our students might like to join us.  As a class, we have talked about what it means to help others in need and to give back to the community.  This would be a great opportunity to put those ideas into action and make a difference in people’s lives right here in Woodstock.
 Please know this in not a requirement, and participate only if it fits into your family’s busy holiday schedule. Feel free to stay for as little or as long as you’d like.   Below is the information that was sent to us.
What: Pack Christmas Items collected by Christmas Clearing
Where: The warehouse is the old Farm & Fleet building at the
      corner of Routes 14 and 47 next to the Harley
       Davidson dealer.
Date: Thursday, Dec. 15th from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
          (Or you may go Wednesday the 14th with your families.  However, I will not be there that evening.  You will find Westwood classes there that evening if you want someone to pack with)

How to find us: Please drive around the back and bring your child into the building.  You, of course, are welcome to stay and help or drop off your child.  If you’re dropping off your child you need to be there to pick him/her up by 7:30pm.  Students will only be supervised until 7:30 pm!!!!!
We hope you have a wonderful holiday and look forward to seeing everyone on Dec. 15th.
Mrs. Wagner  J

Friday, November 25, 2011

Did you find the Westwood Wildcat this week???

In the spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday, the Wildcat decided to hide in a place connected to the story of "The First Thanksgiving."  So he decided to head toward Massachusetts and sit on the very rock that the pilgrims were known to step on as they disembarked from the Mayflower.

If you guessed "Plymouth Rock"  You are correct!!!!

Here is some information on Plymouth Rock
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Mrs. Wagner  :)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Where in the World is the Westwood Wildcat - November 24

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!  Glad you stopped in to get your last clue.  Hopefully this clue leads you right to our wildcat.

In 1620 a group of pilgrims sailed on the Mayflower to arrive in "The New World."  It is this group of pilgrims that celebrated what we know as "The First Thanksgiving."  The wildcat is hiding at the place legend tells us their ship landed.  (Remember it is a historical symbol, not a specific town or city)

Good luck-
Post your guesses below

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Homework for November 23rd

Reading:  Read 20 minutes a night work on your book diaries.  Projects due Dec 12th

Language Arts:  Young Author Stories need to be finished

Math:  Xtra math

Science:  Fix and return tests if needed

No school Thursday or Friday
Check the blog for the missing wildcat!

Today's Thanksgiving Feast

Wow!  A huge THANK YOU to the students and parents for a wonderful Thanksgiving feast in our classroom.  Many delicious treats showed up this morning.  We had:  Cranberries, Applesauce, clemetines, vegie trays, sausage and cracker trays, coffee cake, cookies, muffins, pumpkin pie, cool whip, pumpkin cheese cake and hot apple cider!  The kids really had a wonderful time indulging in these tasty treats!  We also discussed what we are thankful for in our lives prior to watching "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving."  It truly was a wonderful beginning to our holiday weekend.

Thank you for all you've done to make today special.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone!

Mrs. Wagner  :)

Where in the World is the Westwood Wildcat - November 23

Are you getting closer to finding him yet?  Here is your third clue for the week:

The Wildcat wants you to know that he is hiding in a place that was "used" in the year 1620.

Post your guesses below

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Homework for November 22nd

Reading:  Read 20 minutes - Book diaries.  Projects due December 12th!

Language Arts:  Young Author RD should be finished by Thanksgiving Break!

Math:  Finish 3-10 Show all work
           (Blue, Choose 9 more from 4-6 Show work)
           Xtra math

Science:  None, we took our test

**Bring Family recipe**
** 1:10 Dismissal tomorrow**
**Treats for our Thankgiving movie**

Where in the World is the Westwood Wildcat - November 22

The second clue should help you narrow down his location.  He is located off the coast of a large body of water and he is north of 40 degrees latitude.

Post your guesses below

Monday, November 21, 2011

Homework for November 21st

Reading: Read 20 minutes, book diary!!!!  (NOTE* Change!)
WEB PROJECTS Due December 12th

Language Arts:  None

Math:  3-10 circled problems only!  SHOW WORK!
            Xtra math
            Blue:  4-6

Science:  Test tomorrow!  Study!

**Family Recipe
**Thanksgiving snack - post to blog
Library tomorrow - study Battle of Books titles


Next Wednesday is our last day before school is released for Thanksgiving.  This holiday always reminds me of family traditions that might not be shared by everyone.  If your child would like, please have him/her share a small sample of a food or treat that they enjoy having at their Thanksgiving table.  I am hoping we can make little sample food plates for the students to enjoy while we take a moment to reflect on what we are thankful for this year.  If you are able to send in a food, please be certain it is store bought (sorry) and is able to be divided into about 30 servings.

 In advance…
Thank you for making Wednesday so special… AND,
If you can bring something, please post it to the blog below!  :)

Where in the World is the Westwood Wildcat - November 21

At the request of the class, the Wildcat has once again been hidden.  If you are within the first 3 students to determine the location of the Wildcat this week, you will be allowed to work together to select a hiding place for him next week and even write the clues to lead us to him. 

Good Luck!
Even though it's a short school week, the clues will come up each day with the location revealed on Friday.

Clue #1

The Wildcat is hiding near an important historical symbol.  He is in the Northwestern Hemisphere.

Post your guesses below

Friday, November 18, 2011

Golden Key Club for week of November 14th

Here is a picture of the students that made this week's Golden Key Club!  These students listened in class, turned in all homework and were productive members of our classroom!
Thank you for all your hard work!
Mrs. Wagner

(Not pictured:  Irene)

Homework for November 18

Reading:  Read 20 minutes and book diaries

Language Arts:  Finish Young Author's Story board!

Math:  3-9 Practice B (Show work)
             Xtra math

Science:  Study for the Science test on Tuesday!

Did you find the Wildcat???

A lot of great geographical detectives successfully located the Westwood Wildcat this week.  You were correct if you guessed:  The Colosseum in Italy!  Congratulations!

Here is a bit more information on the Colosseum:

Information the Colosseum

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Homework for November 17

Reading:  Read 20 minutes, work on book diary

Language Arts:  Study for spelling test

Math: 3-8 Choose 8, show work
          Xtra math

**PJ and Stuffed Animal Day
**Watch long division videos on the blog
**Yarn for Art
**Socks for the PADS sock drive

Science Test

We are wrapping up our unit on Variables in Science.  Students have built pendulums, lifeboats, and a Foss plane system.  Each item was tested for performance.  We then discussed variables or changes we could make to these items that might impact the way they perform.  These changes are called variables.  Students have learned that only one variable can be tested at a time in order to determine if it affects the outcome of the system.  Students have also learned many vocabulary words and how to complete and read a two coordinate graph.  :)

Next Tuesday we will have a test on the unit.  Please look for a review sheet to go home on Friday with concepts they should practice and study.  Below is a link to the FOSS Website.  Students will find our Variables unit listed under "Grades 3-5."  There is a full vocabulary list with definitions.  (We did NOT cover all these words!)  The students have the words they are responsible for in their science spirals.  In the mean time this will give you a place to begin if your child wishes to start studying.

FOSS Science Website

Good luck!
Mrs. Wagner

Decimal Tug - O - War

 Here is a great (paperless) game to practice our decimal skills. Students have to estimate and subtract decimals to beat the robot in Tug of War. Students can also play 2 player and challenge an adult or sibling for some fun family homework time. :) Please click on the link below to try the game. Please post to the blog once you have completed the game. Type who won your game and your review of the game. Thanks, to N1, in Mrs. Sauber's class for finding this game!

Decimal Tug-O-War

Where in the world is the Westwood Wildcat, November 17th

Today is your last day to locate the Wildcat.  Lots of participation this week!!!!  He is happy to see you are all excited to find him.

Last clue:

 Capable of seating 50,000 spectators this ancient structure was used for gladiatorial contests and public spectacles such as mock sea battles, animal hunts, executions, re-enactments of famous battles, and dramas based on classic mythology.

Post your guesses below:
Good luck!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Homework for November 16th

Reading:  Read 20 minutes - work on book diaries!

Language Arts:  Spelling due tomorrow

Math: Xtra math

**Watch the division videos on the blog and leave a comment**
yarn for Art

Where in the world is the Westwood Wildcat, November 16th

You're getting close to the actual location of the Eiffel Tower guessers do need to keep guessing.  This is NOT where the wildcat is hiding.  Here is another clue:

Clue #3

 The southern side of this ancient structure was felled by an earthquake in 847. Parts of the building - including the marble facade - were used for the construction of later monuments.

Post your guesses below-

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Long Division and Long Division with Decimals

Here are some videos to use as a resource for long division and long division with decimals. 

Please use these as a resource for how to complete the problems!

This video is how to do regular long division!

This video shows how to divide decimals.  The first half of the video is decimals by whole numbers, the second half of the video is decimals divided by decimals.  We haven't gotten to this yet, but will by the end of the week.  I hope these videos help you.  Please watch them as you're doing your HW, especially if you're struggling or getting them wrong when you check with a calculator. 
Remember you MUST show all your work on your homework.

Good luck!
Mrs. Wagner  :)

Homework for November 15th

Reading:  Read 20 minutes - book diaries

Language Arts:  Spelling is Due Thursday
                           Choose a topic for your Young Author book

Math: Page 126, #19-30 Show work
                      Xtra math

Science:  Finish Response sheet if needed!!!

Tomorrow is a Late Start

Monday, November 14, 2011

Where in the world is the wildcat November 15th

You know he is in the Northeastern Hemisphere. This clue should narrow it down---

The wildcat is North of the Mediterranean Sea and west of the Adriatic Sea.

Post your guesses below
Good luck

Homework for November 14th

Reading:  Read 20 mins - book diaries

Language Arts:  Spelling due Thursday

Math:  3-7 Evens only - Show Work
            (4-4 Blue pick 10 show work)
             Xtra math

Check the blog

Where in the World is the Westwood Wildcat - November 14

The Wildcat is once again waiting for you to find him!  Thank you so much for all who played last week.  You sure used your background knowledge on Mt. Everest to find him quickly!  :)))

This week the wildcat is hiding in the Northeastern Hemisphere.  He is again hiding in a historical location!

Post your guesses below

Friday, November 11, 2011

Did you find the Wildcat??? many of you did an excellent job finding the Westwood Wildcat this week.

If you guessed that he was at the top of Mount Everest in the Himalaya mountains you were correct!!!!!!

Below are some pictures of Mt. Everest and a map of the trail going up to the top.
If you're interested in reading more about it, click on the link below!

 Mount Everest Facts

Enjoy your day off today!  See you Monday
Mrs. Wagner  :))

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Golden Key Club for Week of November 7th

Here is this week's Golden Key Club.  These students worked hard to keep behavior on track, turned in work ontime and helped to make our classroom a productive learning environment. 
Mrs. Wagner :)

Where in the World is the Westwood Wildcat - November 10

Tomorrow is no need to find him today!

Eastern hemisphere about 30 degrees latitude
Many aren't brave enough to travel here
Pack some warm clothes and some climbing gear

Clue #4

Still can't find him?  Perhaps you should hire a sherpa to guide you along this dangerous discovery.


Homework for November 10

Read 20 minutes - Start new WEB book and book diary

Math:  Pg. 122 10-22 OR
            3-6 Practice C
            Xtra math

No School tomorrow
Check the blog - Watch Multiplication videos

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Where in the World is the Westwood Wildcat - November 9

It's Wednesday....are you ready for your next clue?

You know he is in the eastern hemisphere about 30 degress latitude
You know that not many people are brave enough to travel here

Clue #3

If you're looking for him, pack some warm clothes and some climbing gear.


Homework for November 9

Reading:  Read 20 minutes and post new WEB book to the blog by tomorrow

Language Arts:  Finish Grammar packet - due tomorrow

Math:  Xtra math and check out the multiplication videos I posted yesterday! 
         Post feedback so I know you viewed them!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Where in the World is the Westwood Wildcat - November 8

Okay, so you know he is in the eastern hemisphere at about 30 degrees latitude.

Clue #2

The wildcat knows that you won't find him here because not many people are brave enough to venture to this destination.


Homework for November 8th

Reading:  Read 20 minutes.  Post new WEB book to the blog by Thursday!!!

Language Arts:  Finish page 19 and 21 of your grammar packet! Have it at school tomorrow!

Math:  Xtra math......(Check out multiplication videos on the blog!)

Long Multiplication

We are working on long multiplication with decimals in the classroom for math this week.  Many students are struggling with this concept due to not remembering how to perform the algorythm.  Below are two short videos from "Teacher Tube" that demonstrate how to solve these types of problems.  Please view them if you are struggling with getting the correct answers.
Please comment below if you viewed these videos! :))
Good luck-
Mrs. Wagner  :)

This second video shows multiplying with decimals.  It's a bit longer, but I like it because she starts off easy and then each problem gets more challenging.  If you're struggling with harder problems they are towards the middle of the video.

Monday, November 7, 2011

December book choice

The December book choice Google Doc is up and ready for you.

It is located on the right side of the blog under the section of links marked "Web Projects"
Please type in your next WEB book by Thursday!!!! No exceptions.

Please leave the font style as it is and leave the color black.  Making fancy changes makes the google doc load exceptionally slow here at school.  Thank you!

Mrs. Wagner

Where in the World is the Westwood Wildcat - November 7

Okay, the wildcat is off hiding once more this week.  K18 was the only one that offically found him last week.  Many of you were close at Yellowstone National Park, but didn't get where in the park he was located. 
Remember that wildcat can be sneaky so read your clues closely.

Clue #1
The wildcat has traveled to the eastern hemisphere of the globe.  He is approximately at 30 degree line of latitude.


Homework for November 7

Reading:  Read 20 minutes Post new book to the blog by Thursday!!!!

Language Arts:  Two sections of the grammar packet - due tomorrow!

Math: 3-6 Numbers 1-9 show all work!!!!!!
           Xtra math

Sunday, November 6, 2011

New Design for our blog

Well the votes are in.....those of you that commented seem to think we should have a seasonal design on our blog.  So, how does this design look? 

Post your feedback below!  :))

Friday, November 4, 2011

Homework for November 4

Reading:  Book projects are due Monday - Summary, project and cue cards!

Math:  Xtra math

Yarn for ART class  :)

DARE Graduation

Today we had a wonderful day celebrating the DARE graduation of our 5th grade students.  :))  The graduation was followed by pizza lunch and cake. (generously donated by the PTO) Students had some time outside and we played some games in the classroom.

Thank you to Officer Gustis for the wonderful DARE experience and thanks to those family and community members that took time from their day to celebrate with us.  Here are some photos from our day.

Have a good weekend,

Mrs. Wagner  :)

Did you find the Westwood Wildcat this week???

You know he was in the United States at a National Park........
You know he had the possibility of getting wet every 90 minutes.......

Did you find him?
About every 90 minutes I stream of steaming water comes jetting out of the earth.  This formation is a cone geyser, one of about 300 in Yellowstone National Park.  Its jet of water averages about 130 feet high and releases between 4,000 and 8,000 gallons of water.  That's a lot of water!!!

The Wildcat was hiding in Yellowstone National Park at Old Faithful Geyser!
Congratulations to those of you who located him!!!  :))

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Homework for November 3

Reading:  Read 20 minutes - Book projects and cue cards due Monday

Language Arts:  Study for spelling test

Math:  3-4 Reteach & Xtra math

**Report Card Envelopes
**Dress Nice for Graduation
**Bring a board game or a card game to school
**Yarn for ART

Where in the World is the Westwood Wildcat - November 3

Here is your last clue to find the Wildcat. 
Hopefully you know the name of the National Park.  Maybe this will pinpoint the location for you.

The wildcat will need to put on a raincoat, use an umbrella or run for shelter every 90 minutes to be sure he doesn't get wet at this location.

Post your guesses below

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Homework for November 2

Reading:  Read 20 minutes - Work on Project and Cue cards due Monday

Language Arts:  Spelling Due tomorrow

Math:  108-109 #s 12-17 and 28-30
            Xtra math

Report Card Envelopes (by tomorrow!)
**Check the blog
yarn for hats

Where in the World is the Westwood Wildcat - November 2

Are you narrowing in on the wildcat's location yet?  Maybe this will give you more information.  He is in a National Park.......

Post your guesses below

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Homework for November 1

Reading:  Read 20 on project and cue cards - DUE MONDAY!!!!

Language Arts:  Spelling due Thursday

Math:  Fix and Return quiz
            Xtra math

Check the blog***
Bring Yarn for ART on Friday!
Report card envelopes please!
Practice song for DARE graduation!

Where in the World is the Westwood Wildcat - November 1

You know he is in the Northwest Hemisphere, lets zoom in a bit more on his location.  He is located above 40 degrees N. Latitude and west of 100 degrees Longitude.

Post your guesses below