Wednesday, July 6, 2011


This is just a reminder to join us for our Summer Picnic next Wednesday.  Be sure to meet at the designated place and time that was included in your report card. 

In order to maintain Internet safety, I will not be posting the exact place and time on our class blog.  However, if you can't remember where and when to meet send me an email and I'll give you the specifics.  :)  Be sure to tell our classmates to join us as well.  Bring your summer WEB book, your book diary and any outdoor equipment you may want to play with.

I'm looking forward to seeing you!  :)


Mrs. Sauber said...

I can't wait to see you all at the picnic!

K5 said...

should we bring our summary?

Mrs.Wagner said...


You can bring your summary if you have it done, but it isn't due until the first week of school!


K5 said...

Sorry,i was sick and could not come.Mrs.Wagner,do you know where they sell poster bord?

Mrs.Wagner said...

Most stores that have school supplies will carry poster board. Try Walmart or Walgreens! :)