Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas Clearing House

Thank you so much to all the kids and their families for helping out at Christmas Clearing House last night.  The overall community turn out for this event is just amazing.  It is wonderful to see so many individuals giving their time to help others.  Sometimes a bit of time can be one of the greatest gifts! 
It took us a long time to gather everyone together in the crowded warehouse, but here is a quick photo we snapped of the 5th graders from Westwood that came out last night.

Thanks boys and girls.  You are amazing.
Love, Mrs. Wagner  :)


M4 said...

I went but I'm not in the picture. :(

Mrs.Wagner said...

M4---I know you were there. There were so many people, it was hard for us to all catch up to one another! Thank you for being there and giving back to your community! :)

H22 said...

Mrs.Wagner when i do the snowflake workshop well i make the snowflake and then it says save this flake? and i click yes then it makes me email it to someone but i cant get my code. How do I get my code?

Mrs.Wagner said...

I think you have to cancel out of the save/email part and then it gives you the code. Honestly, I'm not sure, You just have to play with it! Let me know if you figure it out!

K18 said...


I think that you have to exit out of the e-mail part and then it will say something like "would you like to see your snowflake" and you click yes and then it will show you the code and your snowflake. However, I'm not sure how to get back to the code after you have exited out of everything. Does anyone know how to do that? Hopefully this will help you H22. :)

Z15 said...

Christmas clearing was really fun!!!!!!!!!! :o k, (if you turn your head sideways you can see sort of see a face!!!)

H22 said...

I got the snowflake workshop to work and my snowflake turned out very cool! my code:qhmtx

H22 said...

I mmade another snowflake this one is cool to code: Isabb

H22 said...

This was the last snowflake i made and it looks like a flower code:ijhtz

~ H22

A21 said...

I made a snowflake the code is ptvdn