Friday, September 20, 2013


Thank you so much to all of the volunteers who volunteered to help with the camping trip in some way.  Volunteer confirmation letters are coming home today.  Please look for them in your child's take home folder.  

If your family has offered to let us use a tent, please work with your child this weekend so that he or she knows how to put up the tent.  Mrs. Sauber and I can help with the manual labor, but every tent is different, so we need the students to know how to assemble their own tent and how to take it down and get all the pieces back in the bag it came in.  

This weekend please work with your child to prepare his/her materials for the camping trip.  If your child is a 4th grader, they will only need to pack the little bag.  If your child is a fifth grader, he/she will need the little bag, overnight bag, as well as sleeping supplies.  Please refer to the packing list that went home in the camping packet for all supplies students should bring, as well as the items that are not allowed.  Thank you so much for all of your help to ensure a wonderful trip for our students.

Here is a Link to the Packing List if you need it.


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