Thursday, November 17, 2011

Science Test

We are wrapping up our unit on Variables in Science.  Students have built pendulums, lifeboats, and a Foss plane system.  Each item was tested for performance.  We then discussed variables or changes we could make to these items that might impact the way they perform.  These changes are called variables.  Students have learned that only one variable can be tested at a time in order to determine if it affects the outcome of the system.  Students have also learned many vocabulary words and how to complete and read a two coordinate graph.  :)

Next Tuesday we will have a test on the unit.  Please look for a review sheet to go home on Friday with concepts they should practice and study.  Below is a link to the FOSS Website.  Students will find our Variables unit listed under "Grades 3-5."  There is a full vocabulary list with definitions.  (We did NOT cover all these words!)  The students have the words they are responsible for in their science spirals.  In the mean time this will give you a place to begin if your child wishes to start studying.

FOSS Science Website

Good luck!
Mrs. Wagner


B3 said...

The FOSS website is cool and funny because you can shoot Blasto out a cannon as big,medium,or small.

G7 said...

Mrs.Wagner for the test do we have to study everything.....Like do we have to syudy everithyng that we have done sinse our first project onscience...?

Mrs.Wagner said...


Good questions- check the yellow review sheet that I gave you at the end of the day. It has most of the information you need to be aware of for your test!