Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Homework for January 31

Reading:  Read 30 minutes - reading challenge form!!!!
                 Work on WEB project and cue cards - all is due on MONDAY!!!!!

Language Arts:  Grammar is due Friday
                           Young Author writing (Not illustrations)

Math:  Xtra math

**Challenger Gift shop orders
** $1 for PJammin
**Late Start tomorrow!
**Conference form #1


K18 said...

Hi, Mrs. Wagner!

My Mom and Dad just showed me a really cool clip on YouTube! It was about these people who launched a Lego man into space! They put him on a balloon and video taped him going into space on the balloon. You could see the Earth's surface when he was out of the atmosphere. Then, the balloon popped and he fell back down into the ocean! It was really cool! Go to www.youtube.com and type in "Lego man goes to space" and then click on "Lego man in space." I hope you are able to watch it! It's awesome!

G7 said...

That sound really awezome...!